Welcome to the c word

I rarely show the world what is going on inside it is just not my style. I hide pain and constantly worry about worrying other people and how they will feel about how I am feeling. I keep my problems to myself and sometimes even from my closest friends. Well not this time.

I have been on the c word roller-coaster (I'm calling it the c word to go easy on the faint hearted) for over three weeks now and have decided it is a good idea to write down what's happened, happening and going to happen then whoever wants to keep up to date can without being forced to hear about it through emails from me. Because you will all have days where you just can't or don't want to hear about this. I get that it’s ok.

I hope not but you also might meet people or know people who go through something similar and it might just help them in some way to know they are not alone and when they fall apart it is ok because who wouldn’t. When you read this please forgive grammar and spelling etc I have not slept for three days and sorry too if it is up and down that is pretty much how I am doing most days.

- Tuesday 23rd February 2010

Monday, 29 March 2010

No news is good news

Just a short short note to let everyone know I am ticking along just fine today and feel ok with hardly any pain killers so recovering well and slept ok too. I even gave myself a shower wash just fine no worries : ).
I received some cheery daffs this morning so have spread them around the house so there is no where I can look without seeing them, Thank you Jackie and John very much appreciated xx
I am off to see Isaac at school in his classroom this afternoon and I feel excited about my first lone expedition. whoop. xxx Love you all very very much.


  1. Well as long as you had a shower...we'll pop around and say hello. Let me know when you are up for it (and a shower beforehand)

  2. It would be lovely to see you both anytime you like Mr Neilson.

    I smell better than your slices of roast tongue...mildly better. ; )
